derpy's script server - server manual

Server Setup

1. Getting started 2. Setting up a Linux server 3. Configuring your server 4. Setting up your scripts 5. Hosting your server

1. Getting started

Before setting up your server, you should already be familiar with the basics of derpy's script loader (DSL) and how DSL collections work. Once you are confident with using the loader itself, you should be ready to setup a server (which you can download here).

Once you have the server version, you must decide if you want to run the server using Windows or Linux. If using Windows, you should just be able to run derpy_script_server.exe. If using Linux, you should run ./derpy_script_server but may have to set a few things up first.

The directory (or folder) you run the executable in is where all your files will go. You should at least have the scripts folder by the executable before you run it. After you start the server for the first time, a config.txt file will be generated and you may configure it before starting again.

2. Setting up a Linux server

If you're running Ubuntu, read on for some help getting started. If you're using any other Linux distro, then you're on your own. Since the server is 32 bit, you will need to make sure you can actually run 32 bit code. This usually just means you'll need to install lib32z1 and libc6-i386.

The following code is a list of commands to help you get your Linux server setup using the command line. It downloads version 9 since that is the latest version as of this writing, but you may need to change it to download a later version if there is a newer one available.

# ubuntu setup (for other linux distros, you're on your own but this will often still work) # make a new directory for the server somewhere mkdir my-dss-server cd my-dss-server # download and extract the server release wget -q -O unzip # install 32 bit packages for your 64 bit system sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 # make the server file an executable chmod +x derpy_script_server # run the server so it generates a config ./derpy_script_server # configure the server nano config.txt # and finally run it for real ./derpy_script_server

3. Configuring your server

For the most part, config.txt documents itself and you should be able to figure out what to change. The only things that you should really need to change are server_name, server_info, and if you'd like you can uncomment server_icon and set it to a relative path for a 1:1 PNG that is no more than 100 KiB.

If you are only making this server for a few friends and you want to make sure nobody joins that isn't supposed to, you can setup a whitelist by setting whitelist_instead to true and uncommenting whitelist_ip and setting it to someone's IP. You can then add as many more IPs as you want by duplicating that line.

4. Setting up your scripts

Before DSL 10, a server does nothing to players' games. It's only through scripting that anything happens, so you'll need to make your own sync.

In DSL 10 and later, you have a use_sync option in your config that determines if integrated sync is used. It's on by default, but even then you'll need scripts to make it better. The official sync+ scripts aren't ready yet, but will be released soon after DSL 10.

If you are interested in making your own network scripts, you can check out this page to get started.

5. Hosting your server

It is usually a good idea to run the server locally on Windows so it is easier to develop it, then move it to a dedicated Linux server when it's ready to be played. There are many services that will let you rent a VPS if you do not have a server yet, Vultr being a fairly good choice. It is often more cost-effective to rent a Linux server than a Windows one, but either will work of course so you should get whatever is best for you.

Once your server is up, you should be able to connect to it by turning on allow_networking in your DSL config.txt and then using /connect in-game. If everything seems okay, you can share your server's IP with your friends to start playing! It is suggested you restart the server at least every few days to keep it running well.

If you have problems, make sure the port for your server is open (17017 by default) and that your firewall allows in-bound connections for the server. To test if your server is visible to the internet, consider using